I'm Back! I know I haven't done much on my blog in awhile. One is that I didn't know exactly what I wanted to say. Usually, on Facebook, I can say a lot in a post, if a subject got me going in speaking my mind. But, the thing is this. Not a lot of my friends that is over 600 isn't really seeing what I post, just loyal friends that see it and then they don't share it. I thought about transferring what I say to my blog, but, means I need to go treasure hunting.😁 So, I am back and this time I will share what I know. Thank you to all that comes to my Blog, I know it takes work to create a Blog and to get an audience to read and look at it. with many hugs, Evanna's World
"KNOWLEDGE" is knowing what to say. "WISDOM is knowing when to say it. ~~Unknown