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Showing posts from May, 2018

Most Americans Don't Even Know What A Christian Is!

How do you know that you are a true born again Christian? Watch this video from "Think about it" channel from YouTube.

From a Caterpillar to..........

May is Lupus Awareness Month. I wrote this on March 5, 2016.

If you're Christian : You Better watch this !!

Video Shared #1 Sharing Videos This video is a must-see for all Christians.  Why is that? Watch and you will know. On the words/message, need to pause so you can read what He wrote. This was Published on March 21, 2014, by  Fruit of the Vine Ministries They were doing this type of thing then and it was worse, now, it's far worse than ever before. Time to  WAKE up Church . The end is here. Thank you for watching and coming by. Evanna

Lord gave me a Word

I received a Word from the Lord on Saturday, May 5, 2018. I was in Bed and in Excruciating Pain in "My Bones."  Pain and need to pee.  What a combination to occur when the Word from the Lord-Holy Spirit to happen at that moment. With my mind completely blank, just trying to get to the potty chair as fast as I can before Bladder decides it's the winner. (yes, I am handicapped) This word from the Lord came to me and said. "Time is Running Out" I said.  "Who?"   then I heard this  "Everyone" "Time is running out- Who?-Everyone" What does that mean?  Could mean anything. I feel that soon the end is coming just like the Bible said.   Tribulation is coming to Earth.   "Judgement is Coming"  for everyone. Always  Pray for discernment and ask The Lord to show you.   Hugs Evanna's World

I'm Back!

I'm Back! I know I haven't done much on my blog in awhile. One is that I didn't know exactly what I wanted to say.  Usually, on Facebook, I can say a lot in a post, if a subject got me going in speaking my mind.  But, the thing is this. Not a lot of my friends that is over 600 isn't really seeing what I post, just loyal friends that see it and then they don't share it.  I thought about transferring what I say to my blog, but, means I need to go treasure hunting.😁   So, I am back and this time I will share what I know. Thank you to all that comes to my Blog, I know it takes work to create a Blog and to get an audience to read and look at it. with many hugs, Evanna's World