"My Thoughts"
A Subject that is so sensitive, not sure it's best to even say something on it. Every Since President Trump started running for the President's Office. The Democrats and The Left called Liberals have been trying to stop him. Now, I wasn't for either of them. So, I did my own research and I prayed over my decision of who to vote for. But, What I found out about both of them. Neither one of them is qualified, But, that's not the point, the point is the platform they represent. And I had to weigh on by my beliefs. I am a Christian Lady. And I went by that. I am pro-life. which was the main one for me. As well as the promises that were made. After searching Clinton, I saw some things that I didn't want in our President's office. I know about Agenda 21, as well as many other things Clinton is tied in with.
My eyes are open to what is really going on here in America. And overseas in the Middle East. Sure sign to me that these are the last days. Then there is ISIS. All the fear of what they are doing and why and how they got into our Country already. They didn't come here legally. They came here Illegal. And A lot of the illegal immigrants were doing bad things to America, Killing people plus more. Still, We weren't safe in our own country because of the illegal Immigrants coming in. If they want to come in. Go in the right way and be legal. What's wrong with doing it that way? Nothing, that's why!
After President Trump was sworn in. Things started happening in a bad way. People turning on each other. The left and the right were at each other. The left was rioting. Name calling, saying that if you are for Trump you are many things, Racist, Nazi, and many more. Some even got Killed by the liberals. Trump has been keeping his promises he made during the campaign. But the News on TV? They weren't telling the truth. They are focusing on Russia and anything they can tear the President down. They even trying to impeach Trump, and many other Democrats are wanting him out. Made up Crimes against Trump! Plus much more stuff that is going on. Who are the leaders of all of this? It seems the Truth is coming out. More information is coming. And I see that Lots of the people that are against Trump don't want to be drained from the swamp. Why? Hm, I think they got something they are hiding from us, The Americans. What are they really doing behind closed doors that we can't see? The supporters of Trump, Prayed and took a Stand for what they believe and want. We believe that God has answered our Prayers. Still, the evil of this world is in control, not totally yet, but more so.
Do you know what I see in all of this?
They are Sore Losers!
They lost and they know it. plus they don't want to be investigated and go to jail for their crimes. "Sorry, If you did the crime, you have to do the time... in Jail for your crimes"
This is a start on my thoughts... I have a WordPad of notes to share. Some I already shared. God Bless you all and keep you all Safe.
Evanna's World
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